There are more available on Student database : 1. Write a query which will display the ID, name, Tamil mark, Hindi mark, science mark, social mark, maths mark, total mark, average mark and grade of all students. Display the records sorted in ascending order based on ID SELECT A.STUDENT_ID,A.STUDENT_NAME,B.TAMIL_MARK,B.HINDI_MARK,B.SC IENCE_MARK,B.SOCIAL_MARK,B.MATHS_MARK,C.TOTAL_MARK,C.AVERAGE_MARK,C.GRADE FROM student_personal_info a join student_mark_info b on a.student_id=b.student_id join student_grade_info c on a.student_id=c.student_id order by a.student_id; 2. Write a query which will display Id, name, date of birth, guardian name, address, contact number, mail id, gender, standard, transport and net fees of all the students and ordered by ID in ascending order. select a.student_id,a.student_name, a.date_of_birth,a.guardian_name,a.address,a.contact_no,a.mail_id,a.gender,b.standard, b.transport,b...