Developing MOCA Commands • At a high level, developing a MOCA command involves these steps. • Create the MOCA command as a .mcmd file or .mtrg file for triggers. • The MOCA file can be created with any text editor. • There is also a screen called Server Command Maintenance that will allow you to create MOCA commands in the WMS GUI. Developing MOCA Commands continued… • Local syntax and Groovy MOCA commands are contained entirely in the .mcmd or .mtrg file. • For MOCA commands that invoke Java and C code, we must create a .mcmd file that defines the MOCA command as invoking a Java or C component. • Then we have to develop and compile the Java or C component. • Once the MOCA command file is complete and the associated C or Java module is compiled, we compile the MOCA command. • Variables in MOCA • Usually start with a '@' • @ type variables are placed with argument values or values on the context stack if passed with an equal sign. • @...