MOCA Console.

> The MOCA Console allows us to view information about an active MOCA Server Environment.

> Before 2010.1 the MOCA Console was part of the client GUI.

> For version 2010.1 and later of MOCA, the MOCA Console is accessed via a web browser.

MOCA Console - Sessions.

> This screen is for monitoring active sessions running on theMOCA server.

> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.

• The server can be restarted.

• A session thread can be interrupted for the selected row.

> A refresh button is also available.

MOCA Console – Sessions - Current Sessions Grid
Field Name.            Description
Session         The name of this session.
Thread Id     The thread id that this                                   session is executing                                       session  is executing on in                           the MOCA server.
Status            The status of this session.                            one of "Inactive", "In                                      Engine", "Executing 
                        Java", "Executing C",                                     "Executing .NET",                                           "Executing COM", 
                       "Executing SQL" or                                         "Executing Script". 
Last Command Time 
                   The date/time of the last                               execution of a command. If                         this server thread is                                        associated with a client                                session this is the date/time                        of   the last command request,                      otherwise it is the date/time                        of the last initiated command               
Last Script Time The date/time of the                                  last execution of a script. 
Last SQL Time The date/time of the last                               execution of a SQL                                          statement. 
Connected IP Address 
                The IP address of the client that                  established this session. 
Tracing     Whether this session                                     currently has tracing enabled

MOCA Console – Sessions – Execution Tab

Field Name.     And   Description
Current Command Path
                     The current command path of this executing session. This will be the Command path that is currently executing if available. 
Last Command 
                     The last execution of a command. If a client request is the last 
command requested. If it is a server thread then is the last initiated 
Last Script 
                  The last execution of a script. 
Last SQL 
               The last execution of a SQL statement.    
MOCA Console – Sessions – Server Thread Tab

Field Name  and Description
Blocked Count 
             The number of times that this                      server thread has blocked to                        enter or reenter a monitor.
Blocked Time
             The accumulated elapsed time in               milliseconds that this server                       thread has blocked to enter
             or reenter a monitor. A value of                -1 indicates that thread                                 contention  monitoring is                             disabled.
In Native 
            A flag indicating if this server                      thread is currently executing                      native code using JNI.
            A flag indicating if this server                      thread is currently suspended.
Thread Id
           The unique id for this server                        thread.
Thread Name 
              The name for this server thread                as defined by the servlet                              container.
Thread State 
              The current state of this server                   thread.
Waited Count 
                The number of times that this                    server thread waited has been                    in the WAITING or
                TIMED_WAITING state.
Waited Time 
                 The accumulated elapsed time                   in milliseconds that this server                   thread has been in the
                 WAITING or TIMED_WAITING                      state. A value of -1 indicates                        that thread contention
                  monitoring is disabled.

MOCA Console – Sessions – Call Stack Tab

> The Call Stack tab provides a view of the call stack associated with the selected server thread.

MOCA Console – Native Processes

• This screen is for monitoring Native Processes runnning on the MOCA Server.
• Native Processes are processes that are written in C or COM that run outside the main server processes.
> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.
• A native process can be stopped.
> A refresh button is also available.

MOCA Console – Native Processes - Native Processes Grid

Field Name  and Description

Native Process 
              The identifier for this native process. Identifiers are named moca-process-x where x is an incrementing number. 
Thread Id 
                The server thread id associated with this native process. If this value 
is empty the native process is idle and not currently associated with 
a server thread. 
Created Time 
                 The date/time that this native process was created. 
Last Request Time 
                  The date/time of the last request made to this native process. 
Last Request 
                   The component library name and function/method name of the last 
request made to this native process. 
Request Count
                    The total number of requests made to this native process. 
           A flag indicating if this native process is currently active.

Last Request 
             The last request is the same as in the grid, but allows for wrapping if 
the function/method name and arguments are too long to fit within 
its column in the grid. 
Last Command Path
             This is the command path up to and including the execution of the 
last native function.

MOCA Console

• MOCA Console – Database Connections.
• This screen is for monitoring the active database connections on the server.
• The only available action on this screen is refresh.

MOCA Console – Database Connections – Database connections Grid

Field Name and Description

         The identifier for this database connection. Identifiers are named
environment_name-node_id-x where node_id is the value of the server.node-id registry key if it is set and x is an incrementing number.

Thread Id
          The server thread id associated with this database connection. If
this value is empty the database connection is not currently associated with a server thread.

Created Time 
          The date/time that this native process was created.
Last SQL Time 
          The date/time of the last SQL statement executed on this database
Last SQL 
        The last SQL statement executed on this database connection.
         The total number of SQL statements executed on this database connection.

MOCA Console – Database Connections – Expanded 
Row in Database Connections Grid

Field Name and Description

Last SQL
        The last SQL statement is the same as in the grid, but allows for wrapping if the SQL statement text is too long to fit within its column In the grid. 

Last Command Path 
            This is the command path up to and including the execution of the 
last SQL execution.

MOCA Console – Jobs

• This screen is for monitoring jobs running on the MOCA Server.
> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.
• Scheduling for a job can be stopped for the selected row.
• Scheduling for a job can be started for the selected row.
> If scheduling for a job is stopped, this will only stop new jobs from being scheduled. Any currently executing copies of that job will continue to run until they are finished.
> Note that this action is not the same as "Disabling" the job on the Job Maintenance screen.
> A refresh button is also available.

MOCA Console – Jobs – Jobs Grid

Field Name and  Description

Scheduled Name 
         A check box indicating if this job is currently being scheduled by the Job Manager. 

        The type of job. Jobs can be timer-based or schedule-based. 

            The command that should be executed by the Job Manager when 
running this job. 

            For timer-based jobs, the number of seconds the Job Manager Should wait from the last time the job was started before starting a new instance of it. 

           For schedule-based jobs, the Quartz-style schedule for this job. 

            A flag indicating if this job should initially be scheduled by the Job Manager when the MOCA server starts.
          A flag indicating if the Job Manager should run a new instance of This job if a previous instance of it is still running.

MOCA Console – Jobs – Expanded Row in Jobs Grid

Field Name and Description

Job Id 
        A unique identifier for this job.

Start Delay
         The number of seconds that the Job Manager should wait before running this job for the first time if it is enabled.

Log File
         An optional pathname of the log file to write output to.

Trace Level 
        An optional MOCA trace level to use when running this job. This is usually used in conjunction with the Log File.

        The command that should be  executed by the Job Manager when
running this job.

MOCA Console – Tasks

• This screen is for monitoring tasks running on the MOCA Server.

> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.

• A task can be stopped for the selected row.

• A task can be started for the selected row.

> Note that a task stopped here will not be restarted, even if it has be set to auto-restart in Task Maintenance.

> A refresh button is also available.

MOCA Console – Tasks – Tasks Grid

Field Name  and Description

      A check box indicating if this task is currently running.

        The name of this task.

       The type of task. Tasks can be thread-based or process-based or a

          The class name and arguments for thread-based tasks. The executable pathname and arguments for process-based tasks and daemons.

Auto Start
           A flag indicating if this task is automatically started by the Task
Manager when the MOCA server starts.

           A flag indicating if this task should be restarted by the Task Manager
if it exits prematurely.

MOCA Console – Tasks – Expanded Row in Tasks Grid

Field Name and Description

Task Id 
         A unique identifier for this task.

Start Delay 
             The number of seconds that the Task Manager should wait before
starting this task for the first time if it is set to auto start.

Start In 
             The directory this task is started in; its current directory

Log File 
             An optional pathname of the log file to write output to.

Command/Class Name
             The class name and arguments for thread-based tasks. The executable pathname and arguments for process-based tasks and daemons.

MOCA Console – Registry.

• This screen simply shows the MOCA registry as it is loaded into memory

MOCA Console – Component Libraries
• This screen shows the component libraries that the MOCA server has loaded.

MOCA Console – Component Libraries Grid

Field Name  and Description

Component Library 

          The name of this component library.


            The version of this component library.

Java Package

            The Java package name for component libraries containing Javacode.

C Library 

              The DLL or shared library name for component libraries containing C code.

.NET Namespace 

               The .NET namespace for component libraries containing managed code.

COM Prog Id 

                  The COM program id for component libraries containing COM code.


                A number associated with the precedence (or sort sequence) of this component library. Higher numbers take precedence over lower numbers.


          A flag indicating if this component library is licensed

MOCA Console – Environment Variables.

• This screen simply shows the environment variables loaded into the MOCA server memory.

• Each row in the screen grid shows the variable name and the associated value.

MOCA Console – System Properties.

• This screen simply shows the Java system properties loaded into the MOCA server memory.

• Each row in the screen grid shows the property name and the associated value.

MOCA Console – Resource Usage.

• This screen simply shows summary information showing how much memory and how many sessions, native 
processes and database connections are being used by The MOCA server.
• Information is displayed both graphically and with statistics.
• A refresh button is available.

MOCA Console – Resource Usage - Memory

Field Name  and Description

Current Heap Used 
            The amount of memory currently being used by the MOCA server.This includes memory occupied by all objects including both reachable and unreachable objects.

Current Heap Size 
              The amount of memory guaranteed to be available for use by the
MOCA server. This number may change over time. The heap size will always be greater than or equal to the used memory. This is the equivalent of the "committed" memory that jconsole reports and "heap size" that jvisualvm reports.

Max Heap Size 
              The maximum amount of memory that can be used by the MOCA server for memory management. A memory allocation may fail if theMOCA server attempts to increase the used memory to be greater than the heap size, even if the amount used is less than or equal tomax. For example, this can occur when the system is low on virtual

MOCA Console – Resource Usage – Sessions

Field Name and Description

Current Sessions 
                The current number of sessions established with the MOCA server. 

Peak Sessions 
                 The peak number of simultaneous sessions that have been 
established with the MOCA server since it was last started. 

Max Sessions 
                  The maximum number of simultaneous sessions that can been 
established with the MOCA server at any one time. This value will match the server.session-max registry value.

MOCA Console – Resource Usage – Native Processes

Field Name and Description

Current Native Processes
               The current number of native processes managed by the MOCA server
Peak Native Processes
               The peak number of native processes that have been managed by 
the MOCA server at any one time since it was last started. 

Max Native Processes 
                The maximum number of native processes that can be managed by The MOCA server at any one time. This value will match the server.session-max registry value.

MOCA Console – Resource Usage – Database Connections

Field Name and Description

Current Database Connections
                The current number of connections to the database server 
established by the MOCA server. 

Peak Database Connections 
                The peak number of connections to the database server that have been established by the MOCA server at any one time since it was 
last started. 

Max Database Connections
               The maximum number of connections to the database server that 
can be established by the MOCA server at any one time. This value will match the datbase.max-conn registry value.

MOCA Console – Command Profile.

• This screen shows command profiling information. Command profiling is the statistics tracking the MOCA server performs for each executed MOCA command.
> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.
• Command profiling information can be downloaded to an excel spreadsheet.
• Command profile information can be cleared which resets the statistics.
• A task can be started for the selected row.
• Summary information showing how much memory and how many 
sessions, native processes and database connections are being used by the MOCA server.

MOCA Console – Command Profile – Command Profile Grid

Field Name and Description

       The component library this command executed at.

        The command name or "SQL" if this row is associated with the Execution of a SQL statement.

        The command type. One of "Local Syntax", "Java Method", "C Function", "Managed Method", "COM Method" or "SQL". 

           The number of times this command has been executed from this 
command path. 

       The minimum execution time of this command in milliseconds. 

       The maximum execution time of this command in milliseconds.

      The average execution time of this command in milliseconds. 

          The total execution time of this command in milliseconds. 

Self Avg 
              The average execution time of this command in milliseconds, minus 
the time spent executing commands further down the command path. 

Self Total 
The total execution time of this command in milliseconds, minus the 
time spent executing commands further down the command path

MOCA Console – Command Profile – expanded row in Command Profile Grid

Field Name and Description

Command Path 
            The command path that led to the execution of this command.

MOCA Console – Log Files

• This screen shows log file information without having to be on the server.
> Under the "Actions" drop down on the upper left corner of the screen.
• Log files can be downloaded for viewing.
> A refresh button is also available.

MOCA Console – Log Files – Log Files grid

Field Name and Description

            The name of this file.

Last Modified 
             The date/time this file was last modified. 

       The size, in bytes, of this file.


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