MOCA Tasks and Jobs.

> Before MOCA 2010.1, tasks and jobs had to be added to the Registry either manually or by running commands.

> The only exception to this was a Client GUI screen called Schedule Agent Operations that could be used to setup a job.

> For version 2010.1 and later of MOCA, tasks and jobs are both setup in the GUI.

> Editing the registry is no longer required to setup a task or a job. 

MOCA Tasks.

> Tasks are Java processes or Java threads managed by theMOCA server process.

> Tasks will continue to run once started, unless they encounter an error they can't recover from.

> Information about tas

k configuration is kept in the task_definition and task_env_definition tables in the database.

> The Task Maintenance Screen is used to setup tasks in the GUI 

MOCA Tasks - Adding a task in Task Maintenance

> When setting up a task, you need to specify the following in

Task Maintenance:

Value.         Description

Task Id     Unique Identifier for the task,                      no spaces allowed.

Name.        Descriptive Name for the                             task, spaces are ok.

Type            This can be thread, process,                         or daemon. Threads run                               under theMOCA Server                                  process so they must be                                Java classes Processes and                             daemons can be written in                          any programming language.                        Processes are restarted                                when the server is restarted                        and daemons are not. Note                           that currently only the MTF                         Server runs as a daemon.

Command  Command to run. This is a                            fully qualified class name                            for  threads,but is a full                                command line for processes                         and demons. Command line                         arguments can also be                                   specified

Start In        Directory to run the task in. This is only required for processes and daemons.

Log File        Full path name of the log                              file. It is recommended to                            log to %LESDIR%/log

Group Name Group identifier for task.                              This is only for                                                documentation purposes                              to associate related tasks.

Node ID          If running on a clustered                             environment, this  specify                           the node on which to run                             the task.

Start Delay    Number of seconds to                                    delay before starting the                               task. If nothing is                                          specified, the task will                                   start immediately.

Auto Start      This check box indicates                              whether or not the task                                 should be automatically                               started. If not specified,                                 the task must be started                               manually using the                                        MOCA  console.

Restart            This check box indicates                               whether or not the task                                 should be automatically                               restarted if it stops.


Variables          in this section at the                                      bottom of the screen,                                    environment Variables                                  can be added as                                              Name/Value pairs if they                              are needed 


> Tasks can be also be maintained outside of the GUI using the add task, remove task and list task commands.

> Tasks can be controlled from the MOCA console.

> Environment values specified with $ or %% can be used in the start in, run in, and command line values to specify path names.

> The environment variables %JAVA% and %JAVA32% or $JAVA and $JAVA32 can be used in the command line value instead of the full path name to java.exe to run the JVM.

> Using %JAVA% or $JAVA is recommended so updates to the java JDK on the server do not break the command line path to the JVM.

MOCA Jobs.

> Jobs run as a thread under the MOCA server process.

> Jobs are invoked on either a schedule or a timer.

> Information about job configuration is kept in the job_definition and job_env_definition tables in the database.

> Unlike tasks which continue to run, jobs will exit when finished and not run again until they are reinvoked.

> Unlike tasks where we specifiy a class name or executable, jobs Invoke a MOCA command or multiple MOCA commands using Local Syntax.

 > Jobs run as a thread under the MOCA server process.

> Jobs are invoked on either a schedule or a timer.

> Information about job configuration is kept in the job_definition and job_env_definition tables in the database.

> Unlike tasks which continue to run, jobs will exit when finished and not run again until they are reinvoked.

> Unlike tasks where we specifiy a class name or executable, jobs invoke a MOCA command or multiple MOCA commands using Local Syntax.

MOCA Jobs - Adding a job in Job Maintenance

> When setting up a job, you need to specify the following in Job maintenance:

Value                 Description

Job Id           Unique Identifier for the                              job,  no spaces allowed.

Name          Descriptive Name for the                             job,spaces are ok.

Command Command to run. This can                          be a MOCA command or                              MOCA Local syntax.

Log File      Full path name of the log                             file.It is recommended to log                      to %LESDIR%/log

Trace Level Turns on tracing for the                                job.The following flags can                         be specified: A= Server                                  Arguments,                                                     R =Performance Statistics, S                         = SQL Calls, W= Application                        Flow Messages, X = Server                            Flow Messages and * =All                            trace levels will run, with                            the exception of command                          profiling 

Start Delay Number of seconds to delay                        before starting job for the                            first time.This only applies                          to  timer based jobs.     

Group Name Group identifier for the                                task. This is only for                                     documentation purposes.

Node Id        If running on a clustered                            environment, this specifies                           the node on which to run                             the job.

Job Type       The type of job. This can                               either be timer based or                               schedule based.If schedule                           based, the schedule is                                   specified in CRON style                                 syntax inthe field                                           immediately below the                                 options for Job Type

Schedule Help This button can be                                         clicked to display a pop-                               up box that will                                               provide help in                                               specifying the schedule                                 with CRON style syntax.

Enabled.   This check box turns                                      execution of the job on or off                      by enabling or disabling it.

Overlap Executions  This checkbox                                                 indicates whether                                           or not the job will                                           be invoked again                                             if it is already                                                   running.

Environment Variables In this section                                                  at the bottom                                                  of  the screen,                                                  environment                                                     Variables can                                                   be added as                                                     Name/Value                                                    pairs if they                                                    are   needed.

   MOCA Jobs.

> Jobs can be also be maintained outside of the GUI using the add job, remove job and list job commands.

> Jobs can be controlled from the MOCA console.

> Job scheduling is done using CRON style syntax.


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