Summative kba


1. Storage, networking, servers

2. Tomcat

3. Hierarchical

4. Ddl

5. Event Loop

6. Event handler

7. Bandwidth, packet loss

8. Branch, checkout

9. Host

10. Disk space, memory, CPU

11. Passive, active

12. Microservice architecture

13. SOA

14. Software defined network

15. Progressive web application

16. API

17. Resource

18. Project risks

19. Risk

20. UDP

21. IP

22. Zombie

23. Cryptography

24. Public key

25. A and C

26. Define intuitive short cuts

27. UI design process

28. True

29. True

30. True

I got 96.67%

Set 2 Quiz 3 answers

Software engineering fundamentals/concept


9 @mediatag

17 TCP

12 Automatic Identification and Data Collection

11 .info

8 CSS3

4 none pf the above

 3 - 80

5 C#, java, cotlin

7 authentication

6 -12

16 responsive web design

2 - 443

14 - @ media rules

13 Rxswift and X code

15 meta viewport tag

1 <input type="text" pattern="Tw](6,8}" />


<input type="text" pattern="[A-Ba-b0-9_](6,8}" />

17 TCP

18 true

19  True

20 False

Software engineering concept

Quiz 2 set 1 answers

1 loosely coupled

2 continuous integration

3 none of these

4 Amazon S3

5 2006

6 High Cohesion and low coupling

8 production

7 service discovery

15 BFF, api gateway and event source or bus

16 stateless

12 data centres

11 identity and access management

13 openshift


17 path to resource

14 signal and queue model

20 false

19 true

9 true

10 false



1. Microservice

2. Virtulized, dynamically

3. Relational

4. Network

5. Events

6 producer channel comsumer

7 monitoring

8 repository 

9 metrics

10 Devops

11. virtual

12. Radio frequency identification

13. Aidc

14. Unit, integration, system, acceptance

15. Integration

16 monolithic

17 sdn

18 mainframes

19 stateless

20 csv

21 repre st tr

22 agile

23 waterfall 

24 ab

25 all

26 encipher

27 phishing

28 reduce,place,make

29 mic

30 true





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